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Give four ways of improving labour productivity


Give four ways of improving labour productivity



(i) Supervision of the operations to guide on how best the operations can be done.

(ii) Training the workers to improve on the skills to do the operations.

(iii) Providing incentive i.e housing, protective gear/wear, medical care.

iv) Proper remuneration i.e paying good salaries and wages

v) Guidance and counselling of the workers to relieve social stress and make them more productive.

vi) Mechanizing farm operations to increase efficiency

(i) Through initiation of division of labour according to qualification, experience, skills and knowledge.
(ii) By training works frequently to increase and maintain highest efficiency.
(iii) Through offer of leaves/holidays to worker for enough rest.
(iv) By encouraging team work/inco-operation of various departments.
(v) By providing machinery, tools and proper equipment to ease work amongst employees.
(vi) Through frequent serving of the mechanization used in order to reduce laxity and delayal for workers
(vii) Meeting employees rewards /numerations on time as per contract.
(viii) Recruitment of qualified personnel at time as per the contract.
(ix) through proper and close supervision of employees in a firm /an organization.
johnmulu answered the question on October 16, 2017 at 09:22

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