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Explain six economic challenges which Tanzania has faced since independence


Explain six economic challenges which Tanzania has faced since independence



(i) Economic hardships/lack of finances for funding development programs.

(ii) Frequent drought/famine which cause suffering to the people and eat
into the weak economy/harsh climate conditions.

(iii) Poor transport and communication network within the country.

(iv) Corruption and inefficiency in running of state corporations which has
led to low production

. (v) Devaluation of currency.

(vi) The collapse of the East African community in 1977 denied her a large
common market.

(vii) High rate of unemployment has led to widespread poverty amongst
the people.

(viii) Overreliance on primary commodities which are prone to price
fluctuation leads to lower foreign earnings
lydiajane74 answered the question on October 16, 2017 at 10:25

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