Explain the factors to consider in choosing the type of irrigation in the farm


Explain the factors to consider in choosing the type of irrigation in the farm



1. Soil type. The type of soil in an area can affect not only the type irrigation method
used but also the irrigation run times. Sandy soils typically require frequent
applications of water at a high rate to keep moisture in the root zone. Tighter clay
soils can hold moisture longer that sandy soils, but may require frequent applications
at a lower rate to prevent runoff.
2. Land topography. In particular, hilly or sloping land can be a challenge. Drip
irrigation works well if the laterals can be run along topographic lines. System run
times may need to be adjusted to prevent runoff.
3. Local weather patterns. For example, sprinklers are less desirable in areas where
high winds are common and in arid areas with a low humidity since water losses due
to evaporation can be extremely high. Drip irrigation works well in both of these
4. Type of crops grown. Sprinkler and drip systems can require high levels of
investment. For this reason, it’s better to reserve their use for high-value crops like
vegetables, small fruits and orchard crops rather than applying them to commodity
crops like wheat and soybeans.
5. Water quality. All drip irrigation systems require some type of filtration. Overhead
systems such as sprinklers seldom require filtration. Irrigation water should be tested
for water borne pathogens. Depending on the crop grown and irrigation method used
chlorine injection may be required. Other water quality issues that may be of a
concern include levels of soluble iron and other dissolved minerals.
6. Capital availability – This determines the type of irrigation to be used Drip and
overhead irrigation require high initial capital for installation and maintenance
steve williams answered the question on October 16, 2017 at 10:58

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