Explain five challenges faced by Prophet Elijah in Israel.
There was widespread idolatry among the Israelites.
There was religious persecution and hostility passed by Jezebel.
There was increased corruption and people had rejected the covenant way of life.
He had to face King Ahab and challenge him for misleading the people.
People were practicing syncretism.
There were many false prophets in Israel who had been brought by Jezebel to promote false religion.
He had to convince the people that he was a true prophet of Yahweh.
He had to prove Yahweh as the true God by holding a contest on Mt. Carmel.
He had to endure hardships in the wilderness.
1. The Israelites had abandoned the worship of Yahweh and the Covenant way of life.
2. He found it difficult to convince the people that Yahweh was a true God.
3. There was persecution of Yahweh’s prophets and those who escaped went into hiding.
4. Jezebel introduced Baal worship in Israel and brought false prophets of Baal and Asherah.
5. There was widespread idolatry in Israel and Baal worship was made a state religion.
6. Jezebel swore to kill Elijah after killing the Baal prophets.
7. After pronouncing the three years of drought, Elijah lived in fear.
8. Elijah faced hardship in the wilderness (lack of food).
9. In the wilderness, Elijah felt that Yahweh had abandoned him.
10. After escaping into the wilderness, Elijah became depressed and prayed to God to take away
his life
marlinbito answered the question on October 16, 2017 at 11:00
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