The mass of a density bottle is 20 g when empty and 45 g when filled with water. If it is filled with liquid x...


The mass of a density bottle is 20 g when empty and 45 g when filled with water. If it is filled with liquid x its mass is 400 g. Calculate the density of liquid x. (density of water 1.0 g/cm^3)



Mass of water =(45-20)g
=25 g
Then volume of water =25 cm^3 (since 1 g of water is 1 cm^3)
Volume of the density bottle = 25 cm^3
Mass of the liquid x = 400 – 20
Density of liquid x = 380/25
=15.2 g/cm^3

joseph rimiru answered the question on October 16, 2017 at 15:16

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