Amos saw God sending a swarm of locusts just when the King's share of hay had been cut and the grass started to grow.When they had eaten the grass Amos asked God to forgive Israel,he was told that what he saw would not happen;The second vision was that of fire consuming the oceans and spreading to the land but again Amos begged God to forgive Israel and he accepted;The third vision was of God standing beside a wall with a plumb line.He told Amos that Israel was like a wall out of line and that he had measured them and found them to be crooked,he would not forgive them again and would punish them by bringing Jeroboam's reign to an end;The forth was of ripe fruits representing Israel was ripe for punishment and the fifth was of the destruction of the temple because of the idolatry practiced there.
From this visions we learn that when we repent of our sins and ask God for forgiveness he will grant it to us.
We are elected by God as his people to serve him,this does not make us special than others but gives us a great responsibility that if we fail to perform it judgement and punishment will surely follow.
God does not tolerate idolatry , sexual immorality especially in his house and greedy luxurious living.
We should offer God true worship.
Cherem answered the question on December 18, 2017 at 13:33
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What lessons do Christians learn from the commissioning of the twelve disciples?
Date posted: October 16, 2017. Answers (1)