Describe the African nationalists activities which intensified the struggle for independence in South Africa


Describe the African nationalists activities which intensified the struggle for independence in South Africa.



1. They organized public defiance meetings/against apartheid rules

2. They made use of armed struggle/guerilla warfare by ANC

3. They sabotaged government installations and infrastructure

4. Organized peaceful demonstrations, and strikes and job boycotts

5. They instituted dialogue with apartheid regime

6. They lobbied/campaigned through the international for a to condemn apartheid and impose sanctions

7. Sent black nationalists to exile to acquire military, financial and material assistance to help the struggle at home

8. Used religious/church movements to campaign against apartheid

9. Participated in the first multi racial election in 1994 to finally defeat apartheid regime

10. Forged a united front of all political parties and workers organizations to lead mass protests
johnmulu answered the question on February 10, 2017 at 10:40

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