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Describe the raising of a maize crop for grain production under the following sub-headings. (a) Ecological requirements (b) Seedbed preparation (c) Planting (d) Field management (e) Harvesting


Describe the raising of a maize crop for grain production under the following sub-headings.
a) Ecological requirements
b) Seedbed preparation
d) Field management
e) Harvesting



(a). Ecological requirements
-Altitude; 0-2500m above the sea level.
-Temperature; optimum 240C.
-Rainfall; optimum 600-900 mm which is well distributed throughout the growing period.
-Soil; Deep well-drained, fertile soils.
-Soils; PH, Neutral or slightly alkaline.
(b). Seedbed preparation;
-Clear the land and remove any stamps.
-Plough during the dry season and remove all perennial weeds.
-Harrow the land to a moderate tilth.
(c). Planting; -Select a suitable maize variety for the area.
-Plant seeds at a depth of 2-5 to 10 cm depending on moisture content of the soil.
-Plant at a spacing of 75 – 90cm x 23 – 50 cm.
-Place one to two seeds per hole depending on the spacing chosen.
-Plant healthy/certified seeds.
-Apply appropriate fertilizer or well rotten manure during planting.
(d). Field management;
-Gapping or thinning should be done whenever necessary.
-Control weeds upto the flowering stage.
-Top-dress using nitrogenous fertilizers at correct rates.
-Control pests such as stalk borers, army worms and birds using appropriate method / insecticide.
(e). Harvesting
-Harvest maize when it is dry or at the right moisture content (14 -28%).
-Cut and stook maize where necessary.
gideon1 answered the question on October 18, 2017 at 07:06

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