The following two tests were carried out on chlorine water contained in two test-tubes


The following two tests were carried out on chlorine water contained in two test-tubes:
a) A piece of blue flower was dropped into the first test-tube. Explain why the flower ached.
b) The second test-tube was corked and exposed to sunlight. After a few days, it was found to contain a gas that rekindled a glowing splint. Write an equation for the reaction which produced theas.



a) _ The chloric (I) acid decomposes to form atomic oxygen
The atomic oxygen attacks and bleaches the blue flower

b) 2HOCl(aq) $\rightarrow$ O2(g) + 2HCl(aq)

johnmulu answered the question on February 10, 2017 at 12:47

Next: Give the name of reagent which when reacted with concentrated hydrochloric acid produce chlorine gas
Previous: When excess chlorine gas was bubbled into hot concentrated sodium hydroxide, the following reaction occurred

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