Explain the procedure of transplanting kales in vegetable production


Explain the procedure of transplanting kales in vegetable production



Seedlings in the nursery are ready for transplanting when they are one month old or have 4-6 leaves or are about 10 cm-15 cm height. The nursery is adequately watered 3-4 hours before lifting the seedling.This ensures that the seedlings are lifted easily with a ball of earth around the the roots thus minimizing root damage.
Healthy and vigorously growing seedling are selected and lifted from the nursery using a garden trowel
Transplanting is done when the weather is cool preferably in the mourning or evening.The seedling is is planted at the same depth it was in the nursery.Alight mulch is then applied and the seedling watered regularly.
isaacmuthini answered the question on October 20, 2017 at 07:03

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