The type of machinery to be used.
The space between the rows should allow free passage of the machinery which can be used in the field. For example, the spacing between rows of coffee is supposed to allow movement of tractor drawn implements.
Soil fertility
A fertile soil can support high plant population. Therefore closer spacing is possible.
The size of plant
Tall crop varieties require wider spacing while short varieties require closer spacing, for example, Kitale hybrid maize is widely spaced than Katumani maize.
Moisture availability.
Areas with higher rainfall are capable of supporting a large number of plants hence closer spacing than areas of low rainfall.
Use of crop.
Crop grown for the supply of forage or silage material is planted at a closer spacing than for grain production.
Pest and diseases control.
When crops are properly spaced, pests might find it difficult to move from one place to the other, for example, aphids in groundnuts.
Growth habit.
Spreading and tillering crop varieties require wider spacing than erect type.
Seed rate.
Seed rate is the amount of seeds to be planted in a given unit area governed by ultimate crop stand which is desired.
The objective of correct spacing of crop is to obtain the maximum yields from a unit area without sacrificing quality. Most crops are seeded at lighter rates under drier conditions than under wet or irrigated conditions.
Seeds with low germination percentage are planted at higher rates than those which have about 100% germination percentage. There is an optimal seed rate for various crops.
johnmulu answered the question on October 20, 2017 at 08:07
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