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Describe how the following features are formed(i)Gorge,When a waterfall retreat (ii)River braids ...


Describe how the following features are formed
(i)Gorge,When a waterfall retreat
(ii)River braids



(i)The soft rock erodes are more quickly ,under cutting the hard rock
The hard rock is left overhanging and because it isn't supported it eventually collapses
The fallen rocks crash into plunge pool and swirl a road causing more erosion
Overtime this is repeated and the waterfall moves upstream therefore forming a sloop-sided
gorge as the waterfall retreats
(ii)Formed where a river channel passes over underlying hard rock
Formed where a river course flows over a fault scarp
Formed where a river enters a coastal plain from a plateau
Formed as a result of river rejuvenation
Formed in a glaciated upland
isaacmuthini answered the question on October 20, 2017 at 08:22

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