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Highlight four unethical practices that business may be involved in


Highlight four unethical practices that business may be involved in



- Supplying inferior quality goods to consumers
- Charging high prices by creating scarcity for profit maximization
- Giving false, confusing and misleading advertisements of the products /services
- Adulteration and short weights and measures
- Misbranding, hoarding and black-marketing
- Supplying inadequate information on the packages
- Using unfair sales promotion techniques
- Providing inefficient to customers
- Poor human resource management practices
- Disregard to labour laws and other employee rights
- Lack of safety measures at the place of work
- Exploitation of child labour and women workers
- Avoiding payment of taxes as per existing laws
- Over invoicing
- Formation of cartels for avoiding competition and creating monopolies
- Misuse of facilities and incentives offered by the government
- Engaging in corrupt practices
- Inadequate measures in regarding to pollution control
- Avoidance of tax payment
johnmulu answered the question on October 21, 2017 at 08:00

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