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Outline the challenges of young population.


Outline the challenges of young population.



1. High dependency ratio.
There is high dependency ratio on the working population as it may be forced to cater for the large number of young people who are dependent on it.
2. Increased social evils and social crimes.
Young population may have a large number of youths who are idle.such people are likely to engage in social evils and social crimes as they look for means or survival.
3. Low labour supply.
Young population may experience low labour supply as many youths may not have attained the working age.
4. High rate of unemployment.
Demand for jobs by many young people who may be entering the labour market may outstrip the available job opportunities thereby leading to unemployment.
5. Pressure on goods and services.
Increased demand for goods and services required by the youth may put pressure on them as demand outstrips supply.
Jonmhumble answered the question on October 21, 2017 at 12:09

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