Identify the events that took place during the birth of John the Baptist Luke 1: 57-66.


Identify the events that took place during the birth of John the Baptist Luke 1: 57-66.



i) Elizabeth gave birth to a baby boy
ii) The neighbours and relatives were happy for her
iii) On the 8th day the neighbours came to circumcise and name the child.
iv) They were to name him after his father Zachariah
v) Elizabeth protested and said his name was John.
vi) The neighbours protested saying no one among the relatives with such a name.
vii) They made signs to Zachariah to give the name to the child
viii) Zachariah wrote the name John on a writing tablet
ix) Immediately he began to speak! praising God
x) The neighbours were filled with awe/spread the world all over.
xi) The people wondered who this child was going to be
john3 answered the question on October 21, 2017 at 19:02

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