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Describe the healing of Gerasene demoniac (Luke 8: 26 - 39)


Describe the healing of Gerasene demoniac (Luke 8: 26 - 39)



i) On the shores of lake Geresene, Jesus was met by a man possessed by demons.
ii) The man had been living in the grave yards and without cloths.
iii) He feel at the feet of Jesus and cried out wondering what Jesus had to do with him.
iv) He recognized Jesus as the son of God.
v) The demons in the man requested Jesus not to destroy them but to be allowed to get into the pigs.
vi) The demons left the man, got into pigs and made them be drown in the lake.
vii) The herdsmen reported the incident in the town because of the loss they had incurred.
viii) When the people went to see, they found the man at Jesus feet well dressed and in sound mind.
ix) They went and testified to what they had seen.
x) They requested Jesus to leave the area because they were afraid of further loss.
xi) The man requested to follow Jesus but was told to go and testify to other s what God done for him
john3 answered the question on October 21, 2017 at 19:04

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