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Describe the political organization of the Ameru during pre- colonial period


Describe the political organization of the Ameru during pre- colonial period



Describe the political organization of the Ameru during the pre-colonial period.
i) It had a decentralized system of government
ii) The clan made up of related families was the basic political unit.
ii) The Ameru were governed by a council of elders
iv) The highest council was Njuri Ncheke which provided the moral codes or norms to the society
v) The Ameru practiced age set system which was made up of newly initiated people
vi) The age set provided the warrior class which was responsible for the defense of the community
vii) The meru had religious leaders like prophets who determined and influenced political matters in the society
lydiajane74 answered the question on October 23, 2017 at 05:45

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