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Explain the challenges the missionaries encountered in their quest to spread Christianity in the 19th century


Explain the challenges the missionaries encountered in their quest to spread Christianity in the 19th century



Challenges missionaries encountered in their quest to spread Christianity
i) Being few in numbers, it was difficult to serve the vast area effectively
ii) They were attacked by tropical diseases which reduced their numbers
iii) They were attacked by hostile communities who stole their supplies
iv) They experienced shortages of basic necessities such as medicine, water and food
v) They experienced language barrier due to different ethnic languages
vi) They got competition from Muslims who wanted to spread their religion
vii) Inaccessibility into the interior due to poor roads
viii) They were attacked by slave traders who saw them as a threat to their trade
ix) Conflict among themselves as Protestants and Catholics were not united
x) Inadequate finances to support their activities
lydiajane74 answered the question on October 23, 2017 at 05:47

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