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Explain five consequences of the collaboration between the Wanga and the British


Explain five consequences of the collaboration between the Wanga and the British



Five consequences of the collaboration between the Wanga and the British
i) Nabongo Mumia of Wanga was made a paramount chief
ii) The Wanga were assisted to subdue their enemies especially Luo of Ugenya and Nandi
iii) The Wanga kingdom was expanded and Mumia ruled over a wide area
iv) The Wanga warriors were used to pacify the resisting communities /warriors got employment
v) Wanga benefited from the confisticated animals from resisting communities
vi) The Wanga people were appointed as administrators in the colonial government
vii) Mumias/Lureka was made British administration base in western Kenya
viii) Wanga lost their independence


Explain the result of Nabongo Mumia collaboration with the British

(i) The British were able to establish their rule over Western Kenya with the assistance of the Wanga soldiers
For instance, the soldiers were used to subdue the Nandi, the Bukusu and the Luo of Ugenya

(ii) The British used Wanga as their agent to rule various parts of Western of Kenya
For example, Murunga his half brother was appointed chief over Isukha and Idakho

(iii) The rule of Wanga agents led to hostility and conflicts with neighbours
Attempt were made to overthrow this dominance

(iv) His power was strengthened and his prestige rose
He made paramount chief in 1909. (v) His headquarters at Aleruko became the administrative centre of the British in Western Kenya, until 1920 when it was transferred to Kakamega

(vi) Nabongo Mumia Over a long period of time was consulted by the colonial government over the appointment of headmen and chiefs.
lydiajane74 answered the question on October 23, 2017 at 05:54

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