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You were left home alone to take care of the house.Your parents went on a journey to Mombasa for the December holidays.By bad luck thieves...


You were left home alone to take care of the house.Your parents went on a journey to Mombasa for the December holidays.By bad luck thieves break into your house and made away with valuables from the house.You decided to go to the police station to record a statement.State five things you will mention in your report.



-The date when the incident happened


-what was stolen

-Value of the loss in monetary terms

-Distinctive features of the thieves, size,complexion, face,hair etc

-How they escaped

-If they used a car,number plate of the car and its colour

-approximately how long they took before escaping

-what you did as a reaction to the break, eg scream,shout etc
marto answered the question on October 24, 2017 at 07:24

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