Explain how the following features are formed and illustrate your answer (i)A pyramidal peak (ii)Hanging valley


Explain how the following features are formed and illustrate your answer
(i)A pyramidal peak
(ii)Hanging valley



i)Ice settles on several depression on a mountain
-Nivation, plucking and abrasion erode the sides and floor of the depression leading to the formation of cirques
-The backwalls of the cirques recede due to plucking leading to the formation of aretes
-The aretes converge at the mountain top forming a steep sided pyramidal peak.

ii) A main valley and it tributary exists in glaciated landscape
-Ice collects both the main valley and the tributary
-Erosion through abrasion, plucking and nivation occurs in both the main valley and tributary
-The main valley is eroded more because it has more ice than tributaries
-The main is deepened and widened through lateral and vertical erosion, leading to the formation of of a glacier trough
-Tributary valley that lies higher than the main valley forms a hanging valley.
Githiari answered the question on October 24, 2017 at 09:43

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