Outline any six factors that affect the infiltration rate of water in the soil


Outline any six factors that affect the infiltration rate of water in the soil



- The soil type (texture, structure, hydrodynamic characteristics). The soil
characteristics influence capillary forces and adsorption;
- The soil coverage. Vegetation has positive influence on infiltration by increasing the
time of water penetration in soil;
- The topography and morphology of slopes;
- The flow supply (rain intensity, irrigation flow);
- The initial condition of soil humidity. Soil humidity is an important factor of
infiltration regime. The infiltration regime evolves differently in time for dry or wet
- Soil compaction due to rain drop impact and other effects. The use of hard
agricultural equipment can have consequences on the surface layer of soil.
Githiari answered the question on October 24, 2017 at 09:52

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