When Jesus entered Capernaum, there was a centurion whose servant was sick
The centurion loved his servant very much
The centurion sent Jewish elders to Jesus to request him to heal his servant
Before Jesus reached the Centurion house, the centurion sent his friends to stop him from entering his house
He said he was not worthy to have Jesus in his house
The centurion said that a word from Jesus would heal his servant
Jesus told the crowd that even in Israel he had never seen such faith
Describe the healing of the centurions servant by Jesus.
•Roman centurion's servant was sick / about to die.
•He requested Jewish leaders to go and tell Jesus to heal his servant.
•Jewish leaders went and told Jesus how the centurion had built them a synagogue.
•They said that the centurion needs to be helped and Jesus went with them.
•Centurion sent messenger to meet them.
•He said that he was not worthy to receive Christ.
•Jesus was surprised to hear this.
•He / Jesus told the crowd that He had not found such faith in Israel.
•The messenger went back and found the servant well / healed.
johnmulu answered the question on October 26, 2017 at 07:41
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