Differences between the Jewish temple in Jerusalem and the traditional African shrines


Differences between the Jewish temple in Jerusalem and the traditional African shrines



? The temple was used for judging cases whereas the traditional African shrines were not.
? The traditional African shrines were not used as training grounds for religious specialists as it was the case of the
Jewish temple.
? The African shrines were not used for carrying out any form of business, whereas the Jewish temple was used as a
market place.
? The temple was used a a residential place for the priest, but the Africanpriests did not reside in the shrines.
? The temple was used as a residential place for the priest, but the Africanpriests did not reside in the shrines.
? The temple served as a unifying factors for the whole Jewish society while the African shrines were mainly
according to tribe/clan/family.
? The African shrines were not used for dedicating first-born males like it was the case for the Jewish temple
john3 answered the question on October 28, 2017 at 05:25

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