The aim is to reduce over dependence on imported oil.
1. Inadequate capital which causes the country to seek external borrowing of money which is paid for many years overburdening the country.
2. Small market for power because of the high cost of connection which prevents its horizontal spread.
3. Seasonal fluctuation of water levels in dams due to low rainfall on catchment areas and some rivers flowing through dry areas where much of water is lost through evaporation which leads to inconvenience to consumers because of power rationing.
4. Regular siltation of dams due to deposition of soil which requires regular dredging which is quite expensive.
5. Location of some power generation plants in remote areas making it expensive to transport power for long distances.
6. There is limited spread of solar power in rural areas because the equipment is expensive to install and lack of acceptance because it fluctuates with seasons.
7. There is lack of acceptance of wind power and many people use diesel to pump water instead of it.
8. There is problem of over exploitation of wood fuel as a result of population increasing at a faster rate which has led to deforestation leading to soil erosion and reduced amounts of rainfall as a result of the effect on water cycle
Githiari answered the question on October 30, 2017 at 08:07
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