What were the causes of Agrarian revolution in Britain?
1. Land consolidation; the introduction of land enclosures which put to an end to strip farming.
As a result more land was under production and more land could be ploughed by one farmer.
2. Development of new methods of livestock breeding; more scientific methods of breeding
livestock were developed. They involved selective breeding in which animals with suitable
characteristics were maintained in the herds.
3. Development of new tools for farming which helped to increase agricultural productivity .e.g.
use of seed drill, Rotterdam plough, threshing machine and tractors.
4. Development of new methods of maintaining soil fertility e.g. the new crop rotation system
allowed the continued use of land without exhausting its fertility. Chemical fertilizers were also
5. Development of agricultural research in universities and research institutes assisted in
improvement of soils and crop yields. Newspapers and agricultural journals helped to spread the
results of this research to farmers.
6. Impact of industrial revolution which provided the agricultural sector with inputs and market.
7. Population increase led to high demand for food.
State and explain the factors that led to the agrarian revolution in Britain
Growing demand for agricultural produce: the rapid growing population and the modern and improved leather and textile factories increased the demand for food and agricultural raw materials
Farm mechanization: with ploughing, threshing, harrowing and harvesting machines, costly farm labor was minimized, wastage was reduced and food production increased
Use of fertilizers: Lord Townsend recommended that land should be manured to increase the yield per hectare. This led to importation of fertilizers from Peru before a super phosphate factory was located in London in 1843
Fencing and hedging: the enclosure system reduced the risk of either crops or livestock contracting diseases. Aggressive farmers could increase production without hindrance from their neighbors.
johnmulu answered the question on October 31, 2017 at 07:01
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