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Explain 5 advantage of the land tenure system in Britain during the agrarian revolution


Explain 5 advantage of the land tenure system in Britain during the agrarian revolution



Explain advantages of the land tenure system in Britain

i) It led to the development of large scale farming thus bringing more land under production

ii) It led to increased food production since more land was brought under cultivation

iii) Increased food production led to an increase in population

iv) It facilitated the mechanization of agriculture Eg the use of the seed drill, mechanical thresher and combine harvester,

v) Increased agricultural production led to the establishment of industries which provided employment opportunities to the displaced people,

vi) It enhanced control of the spread of pests and diseases and led to production of high quality produce

vii) It led to the appreciation of value of land

viii) Improved transport system to transport agricultural produce to the market,

ix) Invention of new methods of maintaining soil fertility Eg use of manure, crop rotation and use of fertilizer,

x) Led to the establishment of organization that disseminated information about the agricultural inventions,For example the Royal Agricultural Society

xi) New methods of animal husbandry were practiced for example selective breeding of livestock,

xii) Mechanization of Agriculture led to the growth of local and international trade
johnmulu answered the question on October 31, 2017 at 07:21

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