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The River and the source presents Akoko's family as one that goes beyond traditions to set a new pace that brings unprecedented results in their...


The River and the source presents Akoko's family as one that goes beyond traditions to set a new pace that brings unprecedented results in their lives. Using illustrations from the text mentioned above discuss



Tradition is a societies way of life or culture,which comprises of beliefs,norms,customs and traditions,customs and practices of a certain people.

Gender roles were allocated culturally,with the girl child assuming household chores.She was to be submissive and shy.It was expected that once a girl has been married there would be no reason to justify her departure from marital home.For instance,it is strange when Akoko leaves her marital home after being insulted because of her slow conception rate.Additionally.She therefore went against tradition and gathered people together to inform them of the reasons she was leaving her matrimonial home.

Chief Owour Kembo went against traditions and refused to marry other wives when the rate at which Akoko was giving birth became to slow.He maintained that he was only going to keep one wife.

Elizabeth Awiti went against traditions by marrying ,Mark Antony Sigu,a man from another tribe and a man he did not know anything about his parents.It was a custom that one had to know the family from which the husband came from before marriage. Akoko went against traditions and refused to take any bride price for Elizabeth Awiti.

marto answered the question on November 14, 2017 at 06:34

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