i. Behind a veil:- This means talking direct to someone but while not seeing one another. Example
(A) Prophet Musa talked to God direct at Mount Sinai when he was told to remove his shoes and
when he was being given the Ten Commandments. (B) Prophet Muhammad spoke to God during
Israai weal Mi'raj when he was being given the daily prayers.
ii. Through inspiration:-The powers to do good or have ideas as from God. It can be a command or
a prohibitation or an explanation. Example (A)When Prophet Muhammad was commanded by Allah
to go and assist the Quaraysh to return the black stone after renovation of the Qaabah.(B) God
inspired to Musa’s mother (Mariam)to put son in a casket and let it flow in the ocean.
iii. Dream or vision:-receiving a religious experience/Dream while sleeping. Example:(A)Prophet
Ibrahim dreamt that he was being ordered by Allah to slaughter his son Ishmael.(B) Prophet
Yusuf’s interpretation of the King’s dream of seven fat cows and seven thin cows. (C) Prophet
Yusuf’s dream of the stars sun and moon prostrating unto him.
iv. Through a message: where God Angels to pass message to the prophets.Example: When God
sent Angel Jibriil to Prophet Muhammad with Quaranic verses.
gideon1 answered the question on October 31, 2017 at 12:14