How is Jajj significant to Muslims?


How is Jajj significant to Muslims?



-Pilgrimage to the house of God is one of the major pillars of Islam and whoever performs it
earns rewards.
-Pilgrimage helps to build the unity of Muslims.
-Performance of Hajj shows commitment and sincere love of Muslims towards Allah.
-Hajj is a tiring exercise and so it reflects the perseverance and patience of Muslims.
-The Ihraam garment during Hajj signifies equality of Muslims.
-The stoning of the three pillars shows the Muslims readiness to shun evil.
-After correctly performing Hajj, a Muslim is forgiven all his/her sins.
-If a Muslim dies during Hajj, he pritels paradise
monica20 answered the question on October 31, 2017 at 13:07

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