Distinguish between stationary and progressive waves


Distinguish between stationary and progressive waves.



Progressive wave
i) wave profile moves along with the speed of the wave
ii) Phase of points adjacent to each other is different
iii) Energy translation in the direction of the wave travels

Stationary wave
i) Wave profile appears static
ii) All points between successive node vibrate in phase
iii) No translation of energy but energy associated in the wave


Stationary waves Progressive waves
i)Stationary wave do not move through the medium hence does not transfer any energy from the source while progressive wave move through the medium transferring energy from
the source to a point away.
ii)In stationary wave the distance between successive nodes or antinodes
is equal to 1/2? while in progressive waves
the distance between successive crests or troughs is equal to the wavelength of the wave.
iii)In stationary wave the amplitudes of particles between successive
nodes are different while in progressive waves the amplitudes of any two particles which are in phase are the same.
johnmulu answered the question on February 14, 2017 at 13:41

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