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Describe how the leaves of green plants are adapted to their photosynthetic functions.


Describe how the leaves of green plants are adapted to their photosynthetic functions.



The leaves have a transparent cuticle and epidermal layer to allow maximum light to penetrate and reach the palisade mesophyll and spongy mesophyll cells where photisy occur.

The leaves have a broad lamina to increase the surface area for trapping sunlight energy and diffusion of carbon dioxide gas.

The leaves are thin and this reduces the distance of diffusion of gases and penetration of light into the leaves for photosynthesis.

There are numerous chloroplasts in the palisade cells which are located close to the upper leaf epidermis to maximize the amount of light trapped.

The leaves have guard cells that regurates the opening and closing of stomata for gaseous exange and transpiration.
ERICK MOGAKA answered the question on October 31, 2017 at 17:18

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