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Tradition is an hallmark of a society. Discuss basing your illustrations on the novel The River and the Source


Tradition is an hallmark of a society. Discuss basing your illustrations on the novel The River and the Source.



Margaret Ogolla has used many instances of betrayal in the river and the source.

To begin with,it was a tradition that girls were not treasured but boys were.When Akoko was born,the writer tells us that his father thought 'it was another rock for my sling'

A naming ceremony was conducted as the chik dictated. Akoko is given many names in different circumstances as culture demands.First she is named Adoyo because she is born during weeding season. Obanda ia another another name given to her to fulfil her dead uncle's spiritual dream.It is believed when a baby behaves strangely it has to do with the naming.In this case when Akoko cries out uncontrollably the grandmother figures out that it it could be Akelo her dead sister who was childless and did not want to be forgotten hence Akelo is her third name to appease the dead spirit.The name Akoko noisy one, is given to bring to her attention to the child's personality.

For one to be considered to be an adult he/she has to undergo initiation,it was carried out during the nak ceremony for the removal of the six lower teeth. Akoko being the first daughter,the ceremony had to be done with pomp and colour before her sisters and after two seasons she was ready for marriage.

Culturally spies were sent to the interested parties to find out about her morals,to ensure that the woman does not get married to a family pf vices like witchcraft or even night runners and likewise.During the dowry negotiations,chief Owour came dressed in traditional regalia and with tattoos and paintings on his body.....he had a sear on one hand and a shield on the other.

In conclusion,tradition has taken a centre stage in the novel The River and the Source by Margaret Ogolla.
marto answered the question on November 2, 2017 at 18:03

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