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(a) What is electrostatics? (b) Name two types of charges (c) Give the SI units of charge and other smaller units of charges and other smaller units...


a. What is electrostatics?
b. Name two types of charges
c. Give the SI units of charge and other smaller units of charges and other smaller units of charge.
d. Explain how a body become positively or negatively charged



Electrostatics - the study of static charge / stationary charge
b. Two types charges, positive and negative charges
c. The SI units of charge is coulomb
1.0 C = 1000millicoulomb
1.0 C= 1000000 micro coulomb
d.A body become positively charged when electron are stripped off from the surface when rubbing take place.
A body becomes negatively charge if more electrons are obtained from other object on rubbing the two bodies together.

joseph rimiru answered the question on October 31, 2017 at 21:10

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