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Explain how the church is helping to reduce the rate of crime in Kenya


Explain how the church is helping to reduce the rate of crime in Kenya



? Providing guidance and counseling
? Preaching about love for one another in the society
? Rehabilitating law breakers
? Providing jobs/offering training opportunities to the people
? Giving loans to people to start/run business
? Providing recreational facilities/organizing recreational activities for the youth
? Reporting criminals to the law enforcement authorities
? Disciplining deviant members of the church
? Participating in government programmes established to fight crime (e.g. community policing)
? Obeying the laws of the country/being role modes
? Praying for peace/harmony
? Teaching responsible parenthood
? Providing basic needs for the needy
? Condemning evil practices in the society/teaching against crime
john3 answered the question on October 31, 2017 at 21:49

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