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Explain lessons Christians learn from the lives and ministries of Old Testament Prophets


Explain lessons Christians learn from the lives and ministries of Old Testament Prophets.



- Ministries of Old Testament Prophets
- Christians learn not to lose hope in times of difficulty.
- Christians learn to be firm in telling the truth.
- Christians learn the importance of obeying God in everything they do.
- Christians learn that persecution is the price of being a committed disciple of Christ.
- Christians learn to trust in aid and pray constantly
- Christians are assured of divine protection and security.
- Christian leaders should be ready for opposition while carrying and God?s work.
- Christians must be aware of false prophets amongst their midst who mislead God?s people.
- Christians should draw their strength from God during difficulties.
- Christians should love their enemies and leave revenge to God
john3 answered the question on November 1, 2017 at 06:07

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