i. Helps to avoid worship idols.
ii. Helps to set aside a day for the worship of God.
iii. Enables them to have faith in one God/worship one God.
iv. Helps them respect human life/protect human life/dignify of life.
v. Help them to respect other people’s property./acquire wealth firstly.
vi. Help them to obey parents and elders/those in authority.
vii. Help them to respect the sacredness of marriage by avoiding adultery/practise chastity.
viii. Helps them to be content with what they have.
ix. Help to be honest/avoid bearing false witness.
How were the Ten Commandments applicable in the life of a Christian?
- Christians are warned against worshiping any other God.
- God is unique and cannot be represented by any visible human made objects.
- Christians are warned against swearing in God’s name falsely.
- The Sabbath day should be honored and kept holy by Christians no work is supposed to be
done on that day.
- Christians should show respect to their parents. Parents in this case refer to anyone older
than you.
- Life is so sacred and nobody is allowed to take another person’s life.
- Christians should avoid irresponsible sexual behavior.
- Christians are forbidden from taking another person’s property.
- It is the responsibility of a Christian to honest and not swear falsely against a neighbour. A
neighbour is anyone who may need your assistance.
- Christians are supposed to be contented with what they have and not covet another’s property
people should work hard to acquire their own possessions.
gideon1 answered the question on November 1, 2017 at 09:12
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