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Discuss the management of layers from day old up to point of laying in a deep litter.


Discuss the management of layers from day old up to point of laying in a deep litter.



-Construct a brooder of good size.
-Ensure the corners of the brooder are rounded.
-Provide functional feed troughs and waterers.
-Cover the litter with old newspapers.
-Sprinkle chick marsh on old newspaper.
-Provide a source of heat for warmth.
-Protect the chicken from a source of heat to avoid accidents.
-Waters and feeders should be well distributed in the brooder.
-Introduce growers mash from 6th -8th weeks.
-Cull the sick chicken.
-Debeak the birds to prevent cannibalism.
-Introduce the layers mash from the 16th week.
-Provide grit for digestion.
-Provide perches for roasts.
-Keep feeders and waterers clean.
-Provide green vegetables to keep birds busy.
-Ensure the litter is dry and free from dust by adding lime.
-Control pests/ parasites using appropriate methods.
-Provide enough calcium in the diet.
-Maintain and repair the houses as need arises.
-Control diseases using appropriate methods.
-Drop some grains on the floor for scratching and pecking.
-Remove the dead birds from the house.
-Provide the laying nests.
monica20 answered the question on November 1, 2017 at 11:02

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