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You have been provided with polystyrene ball coated with aluminium paint, silk cloth, polythene rod, woolen cloth. Explain how one charges a conductor by contact...


You have been provided with polystyrene ball coated with aluminium paint, silk cloth, polythene rod, woolen cloth. Explain how one charges a conductor by contact method.



a. Suspend the polystyrene coated with aluminium with a dry silk thread.
b. Bring a charged glass rod close to but not touching the ball
c. Touch the ball with the charged rod rolling it over.
d. Withdraw the charged rod.
e. Bring a charged polythene rod close to but touching the suspended ball
Nb. It is attracted by the polythene rod.
If tested with polythene the rod and the ball repel each other.

joseph rimiru answered the question on November 1, 2017 at 20:08

Next: Explain what happens in the process of charging by induction.
Previous:  State the charge acquired by a body using the contact method

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