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Explain five disadvantages of specialization and division of labour to an organization.


Explain five disadvantages of specialization and division of labour to an organization.



i. Monitoring of work –that results to boredom.
ii. Hinders creativity –since people work mechanically/like machines/without much thinking.
iii. Overdependence on a skill/job/trade –leading to unemployment when the skill lacks demand.
iv. Creates unemployment due to use of machines.
v. Overdepending on other countries leading to manipulation by other countries.
vi. Leads to social problems due to encouraging many people to move from e.g of social problem
as naming.
vii. Lack of price in final product since its as result of many people’s efforts.
viii. Stoppage of working (by a section of people) leads to breakdown of the whole production
gideon1 answered the question on November 2, 2017 at 05:28

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