-The order of creation is seen in the first account but not there in the second account.
-Male and female are created together in the first account while in the second man is created first.
-In the first account, creation is out of nothing while in the second account man was made the dust
and plants grew from a garden.
-Human being are created last in the first creation account while in the second account, they are
created first.
-God gave names to what he created in the first account while in the second, man was to name
- In the first account man was to subdue the earth while in the second account, man was to be in
the Garden of Eden.
-Creation is completed in six days in the first account while days are not mentioned in the second
-The day of rest is mentioned in the first account but in the second account, this day it is not
-There is no forbidden tree in the first account while in the second account, it is mentioned.
-In the first account, the spirit of God was houvering over water while in the second account, the
spirit of God is not mentioned.
-Everything that God created in the first account was good, while in the second, God said it is not
good that man lives alone.
-God created in unity with other beings in the first account while in the second account, God
created alone.
-Human beings were created for procreation in the first account while in the second, they were
created for companionship.
joyce2 answered the question on November 2, 2017 at 06:57
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