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Explain how idolatry affected the religious life of the Israelites.


Explain how idolatry affected the religious life of the Israelites.



-It led to syncretism development whre the Yahweh religion was fused with the Canaanite religion.
-Yahweh places of worship were turned to places of the worship for Canaanite gods.
-Israelites adopted the Canaanite agriculture calendar.
-Names for Canaanite gods were used for Yahweh
-Children were named after Baal
-Canaanite sacrificial system was incorporated into Israelite worship.
-King Ahab through the influence of his wife Jezebel declared Baalism a compulsory/ state
-Yahweh’s altars were destroyed by Jezebel
-Prophets of Yahweh were killed
-450 prophet of Baal were made the official of the royal court.
joyce2 answered the question on November 2, 2017 at 07:05

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