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State the relevance of prophets to Christian today.


State the relevance of prophets to Christian today.



i) Christians should realize that the call to be a Christian has a prophetic role requiring them to be
messengers of God as well as mediators between God and his people.
ii) Christians are challenged by prophets to speak against social-economic and political injustices.
iii) Christian should use the gift of prophecy for the glory of God and for the good of the people.
iv) Christians are challenged by prophets to be people of high moral standards.
v) Through the prophets Christian learn that God requires a faithful response and obedience from
those called.
vi) The coming of Jesus Christ had been foretold by the O.T prophets.
vii) Christian should proclaim Gods message without fear and stand firm for the truth like the
prophets did.
viii) Christians should pray to God for guidance and wisdom in their work, like prophets did.
ix) Christian should be concerned about the welfare of other people like the prophets were.
x) Christians should provide for people in times of suffering like the prophets did.
joyce2 answered the question on November 2, 2017 at 07:27

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