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Explain what the teachings of Jesus about the vine and the branches in John 15:1-10 reveal about the unity of believers.


Explain what the teachings of Jesus about the vine and the branches in John 15:1-10 reveal
about the unity of believers.



i. In the new testament, Jesus is the true vine.
ii. God is the vine dresser/ the gardener.
iii. The followers of Christ are the branches of the vine.
iv. The branches that one removed and thrown away represent Christians/believers who lack faith
and do not follow God’s commandments.
v. The good branches that bear more fruits –represent Christians who perform good deeds and
follow God’s commandments.
vi. Good fruits are the results of the good deeds performed by Christians.
vii. Jesus the vine , links Christians to God so that they can beer fruits.
viii. Christians/believers who are spiritually dead will be burnt in eternal fire.
ix. Jesus used the vine to show the close relationship between him and his followers
joyce2 answered the question on November 2, 2017 at 07:47

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