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Outline four factors you would use to differentiate between off the shelf software and bespoke software


Outline four factors you would use to differentiate between off the shelf software and bespoke software



Competitive Advantage

For any particular application, from restoring to bed management to billing, there are hundreds of COTS (commercial off the shelf) products available. Delivered as (software as a service) or shrink-wrapped stand-alone package
With bespoke software, it will do everything that you need it to do – leaving you with more time for your business.

Delivery & Extensibility
It is possible to pay for updates to shelf software, but it can be expensive and not the top priority of the providers. One of the advantages of bespoke software is that you own it, so you can modify it as and when you need.

Support & Maintainability
Bespoke software is yours to keep or retire or upgrade. Nobody else controls it. Unlike off-the-shelf software that leaves you at the mercy of the product owner who may one day withdraw support or retire a major version number and create a new class of license for a new revision – requiring more money at a stroke.

jumason answered the question on November 8, 2017 at 15:20

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