The reason why the world is embroiled in many problems today is not because people don't think but...


The reason why the world is embroiled in many problems today is not because people don't think but because people don't think critically and creatively. Discuss the statement with reference to Kenya today.



Yes, indeed as one of the DFID heads once said that we learn so that we may not only think but to think critically. He was very right since that is the main problem in our Nation Kenya. Kenyan have proved to be very good in thinking since they can get a 100% in an application questions paper but evidence prove it different since many people can seriously pass a question and still be stressed by the same problem he/she solved in an exam paper.
this is evident when we face our sides on the phase of poverty levels in the country. many learned people learn to be employed not t benefit from their education. people for example have undergone farming to office and white collar jobs. this have significantly provided a very large gap between the required food and the production leading to importation of food that could be effectively be produced from within. we should learn from Egypt. It has one of the greatest desert within its states yet it can produce enough to even feed other nations since the time of Jacob the renamed Israel in the Holy Bible. we saw Jacob sent his sons to buy food. Jacob was very rich with money, camels for transport and children for service but lacked food due to foregoing farming of food crops.
Indeed, if only Kenyans start to think outside the box of cleanliness for fame, and venture to other jobs like the ones supported under the Technical, Vocational and Education and Training (TVET) programme, they will surely lower the poverty level in the country. many will be their own employers and employers of others. the dependent ratio will go down resulting in a high income scale.
In the example of Kenya today, politically, it is true that many people have condemned Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta, the Excellency president of the republic of Kenya for luck to providing jobs for Kenyan youths. the truth is that Uhuru cannot accommodate all youths in his home, so, he created avenue for those who can venture to see gaps and fill them. for example, he gave electricity, others started their works such as welding and salons while others saw it as a channel to enrich KPLC. this have distinguished between thinkers and critical thinkers. The bible have provided a very clear advanced option for this. that is when Jesus gave a parable of a one nobleman who went out to look for a kingdom. Before leaving, he called ten of his workers and gave them ten talents each. He ordered them to invest the talents and bear fruits till he returns from his missions. when he left, some of the workers thought it as a plan to exploit them and did not work on the talents given to them. they thought well but not critically. on returning, the master had his kingdom as he went out to look for. he called forth his servants and analysed them. to one, the talent had doubled, to another he got a five talent profit, (this are compared to those who stated their works with the electricity given.) but to one, he came with his ten talents wrapped in a handkerchief and presented it calling his master an austere man who wanted to eat where he had not worked and reap where he had not planted. the master gave him an idea of maybe he could deposit the money in a bank and it could have reaped some interests, he then took it from him, (just as KPLC would do to a person who could not pay his electricity bills claiming it to be a plan of an austere man.) and gave it to that who had a greater profit. on top, to every profit one made, a city was given, to those who did not produce anything were killed in-front of the whole nation.
if only Kenyan thinks critically, we will see the great opportunities on our nation, endorse them and reap greatly from them.
for sure, the reason why the world is embroiled in many problems today is not because people don't think but because people don't think critically and creatively.
Eng melau answered the question on January 22, 2018 at 16:40

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