Explain how the following features are formed (i)An arch (ii)Tombolo


Explain how the following features are formed
i)An arch



i)A headland is attacked by wave erosion through abrasion and hydraulic action from both sides
-Caves develop on either side of the headland
-Continued erosion erodes thorugh the cave and eventually they join together to form a natural opening or tunnel through the headland known as an arch

ii) Sand and shingle is deposited from a headland seaward by a long shore drift
-Continued deposition leads to accumulation of sand towards an island forming a spit.With time, a bar of shingle/sand with one end attached to the mainland and the other to an island is formed.This bar is known as a Tombolo
Githiari answered the question on November 2, 2017 at 14:24

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