1. Forming stage.
The first stage is an orientation stage. It is marked by caution, confusion, courtesy and uncertainty about the group purpose, structure and leadership. Leaders exerts great influence in structuring the group and shaping members expectations. Group becomes complete after members start to think of themselves as part of the group.
2. Storming stage.
The stage is characterised by conflicts, confrontations, concerns and criticism. Struggle for individual power and influences are common. If conflicts are intense the group may dissolve or continue as ineffective group.
3. Norming stage.
Close relationship among members normally develops. The group develop norms which relates to the rules and regulations that the group members have to abide to. The norms enables the group to exist as a cohesive group.
3. Performing stage.
This is the highest level of group maturity.The stage is marked by teamwork,role clarity and task accomplishment.
Jonmhumble answered the question on November 2, 2017 at 21:00
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Outline five principles that should guide human resource planning to ensure the intended purpose in the organization.
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What are practical consequences of multicollinearity?
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What are the causes of autocorrelation?
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How is autocorrelation tested in statistics?
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Outline the characteristics of binomial probability distribution.
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Outline the differences between human and physical capital.
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Outline the limitations of autocratic leadership style.
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When is laissez faire type of leadership style available?
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What are the benefits of planning?
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