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Explain results of migration and settlement of Cushites in Kenya


Explain results of migration and settlement of Cushites in Kenya



The cushites intermarried with the communities they found in the areas where they settled.
Trade developed between the cushites and the example they exchanged livestock products such as milk and butter with the Bantu and in return they obtained grains from the Bantu.
The Bantu borrowed some to the cultural practices of the cushites e.g. Circumcision.
The cushites came with their own livestock and so encouraged livestock farming in areas where they settled.
Cushites learnt mixed farming.
The cushites attacked the Eastern Bantu communities who had settled at shungwaya, and forced them to move to their present homeland in Kenya.
Their settlement led to increased rivalry and conflicts for ownership of land.
Some cushites who had been converted to Islam spread the religion in the areas where they settled.
The cushites attacked the Eastern Bantu communities who had settled at shungwaya, and forced them to move to their present homeland in Kenya.
The cushites intermarried with the communities they found in the areas where they settled in Kenya.
mwendwamutindi answered the question on November 7, 2017 at 07:27

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