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List the role of micro-nutrients and their deficiency.


List the role of micro-nutrients and their deficiency.



a. Micro-nutrients in plants acts as catalysts and co-enzymes in metabolic reaction of plants.
b. Copper, iron, and molybdenum play part in enzymes systems, redox reactions in plants.
c. Copper is involved in the respiration and utilization of iron.
d. Iron is involved in synthesis of protein in chloroplast.
e. Molybdenum and manganese are essential for certain nitrogen transformation reaction in the plants and
in the micro-organisms, help in plants for nitrates to be metabolized into amino acids and proteins.
f. Zinc – it take part I formation of growth hormones and reproduction of some plants.
g. Boron – important in the absorption of water and translocation of sugar in plants.
Nb. Deficiency in micro-nutrients results in the following
Copper – leaves and stems grow than normal, young leaves almost without chlorophyll
Iron- leaf chlorosis
Molybdenum- leaf curling and leaf scorch
Zinc- white bud formation, young leaves almost without chlorophyll

joseph rimiru answered the question on November 3, 2017 at 20:24

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